10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Individual Combined results.

Ranks the scores of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Tout le Canada - 65 Resultats

# Athlète Equipe âge Sexe Province Entré par Rang
1 William Church Major Pee Wee Junior Voyageurs 17 M ON Andre Perron 34
2 Justin Dandeneau Major Pee Wee Junior Voyageurs 17 M ON Andre Perron 97
3 Eric Hartman Alberta Boys 18 M AB Brian Hartman 117
4 Owen Perron Major Pee Wee Voyageurs 17 M ON Jean-Gilles Larocque 132
5 Isaac Neufeld NB Beavers 17 M SK Natasha Nichol 136
6 Ethan Pittman Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 150
7 Hudson Staudinger Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 161
8 Tyler Mukai SV Falcons 17 M BC Moto Mukai 168
9 Max Arnold Major Pee Wee Voyageurs 17 M ON Jean-Gilles Larocque 171
10 Taylor Breen Oil Giants 19 F AB Dion Barry 178