Top 10 Performers

You are viewing Individual Improvement Combined Hurdle Test - 30 seconds results.

Ranks the individual improvements of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the improvement of the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Saskatchewan - Hurdle Test - 30 seconds (repetitions) - 29 Results

# Athlete Team Age Gender Province Entered by Improvement
1 Bailey Lacelle Royals Hutchison 17 F SK Brad Hutchison 82
2 Carter Bleau Straight off the Couch Potatoes 14 M SK Travis Benjamin 100
3 Isaac Neufeld NB Beavers 17 M SK Natasha Nichol 101
4 AJ Dutchak Yorkton Jr Cardinals 14 M SK Tricia Klassen 101
5 Emmett Vaughan Straight off the Couch Potatoes 13 M SK Travis Benjamin 107
6 Jared Nichol NB Beavers 18 M SK Natasha Nichol 109
7 Luke Mitchell Straight off the Couch Potatoes 13 M SK Travis Benjamin 112
8 Austin Dyer Straight off the Couch Potatoes 14 M SK Travis Benjamin 121
9 Seth Wheeler Prairie Pearls 18 M SK Arron Miller 122
10 Josh Benjamin Straight off the Couch Potatoes 14 M SK Travis Benjamin 127