Top 10 Performers

You are viewing Individual Feet Wall Test - 15 seconds results.

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Saskatchewan - Feet Wall Test - 15 seconds (repetitions) - 10 Results

# Athlete Team Age Gender Province Entered by Result
1 Tyler Terichow Prairie Pearls 19 M SK Arron Miller 43
2 Charlie Molder Prairie Pearls 18 M SK Arron Miller 39
3 Isaac Neufeld NB Beavers 17 M SK Natasha Nichol 37
4 Chas Oehlerking Prairie Pearls 18 M SK Arron Miller 36
5 Max Farell Chaos 16 M SK Michael McPhail 35
6 Seth Wheeler Prairie Pearls 18 M SK Arron Miller 34
7 Blake Leister Prairie Pearls 18 M SK Arron Miller 33
8 Isaac Neufeld NB Beavers 17 M SK Natasha Nichol 30
9 Jared Nichol NB Beavers 18 M SK Natasha Nichol 30
10 Josh Benjamin Straight off the Couch Potatoes 14 M SK Travis Benjamin 29