10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Individual Improvement Combined Test des haies 30 secondes results.

Ranks the individual improvements of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the improvement of the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Tout le Canada - Test des haies 30 secondes (répétitions) - 35 Resultats

# Athlète Equipe âge Sexe Province Entré par Amélioration
1 Eliya Pereira North London 15 F ON Isaac Pereira 77
2 Taylor Breen TAG 19 F AB Chris James 93
3 MJ Cruise North London 16 F ON Isaac Pereira 94
4 Georgia Willsie Cambridge Coyotes 17 F ON Shane Graham 105
5 Bailey Lacelle Royals Hutchison 17 F SK Brad Hutchison 112
6 Cara Skye Cambridge Coyotes 17 F ON Shane Graham 119
7 Rebecca Juneau Voltigeurs Peewee 16 F PQ Geneviève Laflamme 120
8 Olivia Frazer Cambridge Coyotes 07 17 F ON Shane Graham 128
9 Taryn Vasarhelyi North London 16 F ON Isaac Pereira 128
10 Maddy Mara North London 16 F ON Isaac Pereira 131