Top 10 Performers

You are viewing Individual 15-30-15 results.

Ranks the scores/times of all the results for this test.

Alberta - 15-30-15 (Time ( - 10 Results

# Athlete Team Age Gender Province Entered by Result
1 Eric Hartman Alberta Boys 18 M AB Brian Hartman 4.49 seconds
2 Eric Hartman Alberta Boys 18 M AB Brian Hartman 4.59 seconds
3 Michael Szpak Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 4.80 seconds
4 Ethan Pittman Oil Giants 16 M AB Dion Barry 4.83 seconds
5 Michael Szpak Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 4.88 seconds
6 Nick Vandenberg Alberta Boys 18 M AB Brian Hartman 4.92 seconds
7 Nick Vandenberg Alberta Boys 18 M AB Brian Hartman 4.92 seconds
8 Braden Ianetti Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 4.95 seconds
9 Hudson Staudinger Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 5.05 seconds
10 Ethian Mayuk Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 5.10 seconds