10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Team Combined results.

Ranks the team average for all tests combined. This score first ranks the team average for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Tout le Canada - 12 Resultats

# Nom d'equipe Age du Group Sexe Province Entré par Rang
1 Asahi 10U Boys M BC Manabu Ogawa 24
2 Stratford Athletics 10U Boys M PE Adam Smith 29
3 Straight off the Couch Potatoes 10U Boys M SK Travis Benjamin 30
4 Oshawa Legionaires 2011 AAA 10U Boys M ON Bryan Howcroft 36
5 Yorkton Jr Cardinals 10U Boys M SK Tricia Klassen 43
6 10U-Phantoms 10U Boys M NL Keith Ball 47
7 Saskatoon Cardinals 10U Boys M SK Justin Hofmann 47
8 Raiders 10U Boys M NL Todd Powell 56
9 Rookie Junior Voyageurs 10U Boys M ON Manuel Tavares 63
10 Vimy Vipers 10U 10U Boys M AB Eric Smith 73