10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Individual Improvement Combined Test Pieds-Mur - 15 secondes results.

Ranks the individual improvements of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the improvement of the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Alberta - Test Pieds-Mur - 15 secondes (répétitions) - 5 Resultats

# Athlète Equipe âge Sexe Province Entré par Amélioration
1 Ethian Mayuk Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 21
2 Michael Szpak Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 26
3 Hudson Staudinger Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 29
4 Ethan Pittman Oil Giants 16 M AB Dion Barry 31
5 Braden Ianetti Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 32