10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Team Average Test Pieds-Mur - 15 secondes results.

Ranks the average scores/times for the team for this test.

Tout le Canada - Test Pieds-Mur - 15 secondes (répétitions) - 10 Resultats

# Nom d'equipe Age du Group Sexe Province Entré par Résultat
1 Southwest Edmonton Sox 2 12U Boys M AB Paul Auton 34.86
2 Southwest Edmonton Sox 1 12U Boys M AB Paul Auton 32.86
3 Langley Avengers Jr. 12U Boys M BC Bosu Seo 28.00
4 St Thomas Cardinals 12U Boys M ON Dan Leonardes 28.00
5 Team Québec #100 12U Boys M PQ Dominic Leblanc 27.07
6 Cambridge Cubs 12U Boys M ON Kory Shute 24.29
7 Capitales 12U Boys M PQ Daniel Fleury 24.00
8 NewHawks09 12U Boys M ON John Sage 22.91
9 Centerfield Speed and Agility 12U Training Group - 12U Boys M SK Craig Blechinger 22.57
10 Voltigeurs Peewee 12U Boys M PQ Geneviève Laflamme 22.08