10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Individual Improvement Combined Test 15-30-15 results.

Ranks the individual improvements of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the improvement of the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Colombie-Britannique - Test 15-30-15 (Temps (mm:ss)) - 15 Resultats

# Athlète Equipe âge Sexe Province Entré par Amélioration
1 Julien Fraser Asahi 14 M BC Manabu Ogawa 33
2 Oliver Mukai Asahi 14 M BC Manabu Ogawa 47
3 Tyler Mukai SV Falcons 17 M BC Moto Mukai 49
4 Naden Anderson Asahi 13 M BC Manabu Ogawa 49
5 Kolton Ogawa Asahi 14 M BC Manabu Ogawa 53
6 Marcus Fong SV Falcons 17 M BC Moto Mukai 54
7 Thomas Mayne SV Falcons 17 M BC Moto Mukai 54
8 Matthew Crock Asahi 14 M BC Manabu Ogawa 55
9 Edward Wilde SV Falcons 17 M BC Moto Mukai 56
10 Sam Boon Asahi 15 M BC Manabu Ogawa 60