10 Meilleurs performers

You are viewing Individual Improvement Combined Test des haies 30 secondes results.

Ranks the individual improvements of the athletes for all tests combined. This score first ranks the improvement of the athlete for each test, then combines the ranks for a final score.

Alberta - Test des haies 30 secondes (répétitions) - 7 Resultats

# Athlète Equipe âge Sexe Province Entré par Amélioration
1 Jaxson Smith Vimy Vikings 12U 16 M AB Eric Smith 38
2 Marcus Smith Vimy Vipers 10U 14 M AB Eric Smith 44
3 Ethian Mayuk Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 75
4 Michael Szpak Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 75
5 Hudson Staudinger Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 79
6 Ethan Pittman Oil Giants 17 M AB Dion Barry 86
7 Braden Ianetti Oil Giants 18 M AB Dion Barry 87